Penalty for Drink and Drive

Penalty and Punishment for Drink and Drive in the UAE:

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is strictly prohibited by law. The penalties and punishments for drinking and driving offenses are severe to deter individuals from engaging in such dangerous behavior. The UAE authorities take a zero-tolerance approach towards drunk driving to ensure public safety on the roads.

Monetary Fines:

Offenders caught driving under the influence of alcohol can face hefty fines, which can vary depending on the circumstances of the offense. The fines can range from thousands to tens of thousands of UAE dirhams, depending on the driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level.

Driving License Suspension:

Individuals convicted of drunk driving may have their driving licenses suspended for a specified period. The duration of the suspension depends on factors such as the driver's BAC level, the number of prior offenses, and the seriousness of the offense.

Vehicle Confiscation:

In some cases, the vehicle used in the drink-and-drive offense may be confiscated by authorities. This can result in significant financial loss for the offender and serves as an additional deterrent.


Serious cases of drinking and driving offenses can lead to imprisonment. Offenders may face incarceration for a specified period, which can range from several days to months, depending on the severity of the offense.

Black Points and Blacklist:

The UAE has a Black Points System that assigns points to traffic violations, including drink and drive offenses. Accumulating a certain number of black points can lead to further penalties, such as longer license suspension or being blacklisted from driving.

Legal Records:

Convictions for drunk driving can result in a permanent criminal record, which may have adverse effects on employment opportunities, visa applications, and personal reputation.

Insurance Implications:

Offenders may face difficulties in obtaining or renewing vehicle insurance, and insurance premiums may significantly increase after a drunk driving conviction.

It is essential to recognize that drinking and driving offenses can have severe and far-reaching consequences. To protect yourself and others, always avoid driving under the influence of alcohol. If you are facing drunk driving charges, seek legal assistance immediately to understand your rights, explore possible defenses, and mitigate the potential penalties. By partnering with a knowledgeable and experienced legal professional, you can navigate the legal process with confidence and work towards a favorable resolution.

At UAE Lawyers, we understand the seriousness of drink and drive offenses and the potential consequences they can have on individuals' lives. Our firm is committed to providing comprehensive legal support and representation to clients facing drink driving charges in the UAE.

Expert Legal Guidance:

Our team of experienced lawyers specializes in handling drink driving cases in the UAE. We have a deep understanding of the country's laws and regulations concerning driving under the influence. Our lawyers will provide you with expert legal guidance, explaining the legal process, your rights, and potential defense strategies.

Strong Defense Representation:

We will conduct a thorough assessment of your case, examining the evidence against you, and identifying any potential defenses. Our lawyers will build a strong defense tailored to your specific circumstances, aiming to minimize the penalties or secure a favorable outcome.

Negotiation and Advocacy:

If your case allows for negotiation or plea bargaining, our skilled negotiators will work diligently to seek reduced charges, lesser penalties, or alternative sentencing options. We will advocate for your interests and strive for the best possible resolution.

Protecting Your Rights:

Throughout the legal proceedings, we will ensure that your rights are protected. We will ensure that the legal procedures are followed diligently and work to prevent any potential violations of your rights.

Personalized Attention:

Each drink driving case is unique, and we provide personalized attention to every client. Our lawyers will listen to your concerns, address your questions, and tailor our strategies to meet your specific needs and goals.

Courtroom Representation:

If your case goes to trial, our experienced trial attorneys will vigorously represent you in court. We will present a compelling defense, challenge the prosecution's evidence, and work towards securing a favorable verdict.

Compassionate Support:

We understand the stress and anxiety that can accompany drink driving charges. Our firm provides compassionate support throughout the legal process, offering guidance and reassurance during this challenging time.

By choosing UAE Lawyers, you are partnering with a dedicated legal team that is committed to protecting your rights and working towards the best possible outcome in your drink driving case. We will diligently navigate the legal complexities and provide you with the strong legal representation you need to face your charges confidently. Contact us today for a confidential consultation and access the professional legal support you need to address your drink driving charges effectively.